Gameplay B: Galaxy Tycoon: Fomo3D + Tower-Climbing PVP Challenge


In addition, to roam around the vast universe to explore resources and fight the enemy, you can also gain wealth by purchasing galaxies and occupying stars. The Crypto Galaxy world has 10 galaxies, each with 10 stars. The 10 galaxies can obtain energy from the entire Crypto Galaxy, and this energy exists in the form of BOX.

The BOX energy produced by Crypto Galaxy daily will be distributed to stars in galaxies.

Every galaxy has a galaxy lord. The galaxy lord can get 20% of BOX rewards from all stars in its galaxy, and part of the ticket revenue from the challengers in the Occupy Star gameplay will be distributed in the form of BOX. The only way to become a galaxy lord is to participate in Galaxy Auctions and use wealth to create more wealth.

You can also win by force, using your Planet Alliance to occupy the stars in galaxies and get the stars’ BOX rewards.

Of course, wealth needs to be defended, and opponents in this interstellar space will also come to compete for the status of galaxy lord and star lord, so get your resources and arms ready to fight!

Core Concept

Galaxy Auction

FOMO 3D Gameplay

Reward Distribution

Every day, the BOX produced by the Crypto Galaxy protocol will be distributed to the 10 galaxies, and each galaxy gets 10%.

The galaxy lord will get 20% of which, and the remaining 80% will go to the 10-star lords in each galaxy. The stars with higher serial numbers will get more BOX than the stars with lower serial numbers.

In addition to the 20% of the galaxy BOX allocation, galaxy lords can also get 30% of the challenge fees for all stars in their galaxy.

The BOX rewards distributed by the Crypto Galaxy protocol are released linearly, and the challenge fee rewards are distributed immediately. Galaxy Lords can collect the accumulated rewards via the Claim button.

Auction Rules

The starting price of each galaxy is 1BNB, and the price will increase by 30% for each new round of bidding.

For example, Bob is the first person to buy Galaxy X, which costs 1BNB. After one hour, Alice, feeling profitable, spends 1.3 BNB to buy the ownership of the galaxy from Bob. Of the 1.3BNB, 1BNB+50% of the price increase will be given to Bob, and the remaining 50% will go to the reward pool. (i.e. Bob gets 1.15BNB), and later, Tom wants to compete with Alice to become the owner of Galaxy X, Tom needs to pay 1.3BNB×(100%+30%) to the system at this time, the price increase part of which is 0.39BNB (1.3×30%), so Alice can get 1.3+0.39×50%=1.495BNB.

Reward Claim Rules

When an address owns a galaxy, the owner can claim the galaxy’s reward when it gets settled at 00:00 UTC. As long as they maintain the ownership, they can keep taking this part of the galaxy’s income.

Occupy Star

A galaxy has 10 stars, each with a serial number from 1 to 10. The higher the star’s number, the greater its weight in the allocation of BOX. Anyone can send their Planet Alliance to occupy currently unowned stars directly. Still, after occupation, other users can challenge it and send their own Planet Alliance to fight against the incumbent Star-Lord. If the challenge is successful, the star will change its owner. The previous occupier can get BOX rewards from the time of their successful occupation to the time of being challenged by others.

The challenger must pay a certain amount of BOX to initiate a challenge. The number of BOX required for each star to be challenged for the first time is 10,000. After the star is successfully challenged, the BOX required for the next challenge will be increased by 1000. 20% of the BOX from the challenge fee goes to the Reward Pool, 30% goes to the Galaxy Lord, and 50% is directly burned.

Reward Claim Rules

Star’s protocol distributes BOX rewards as a linear release, and Star Lords can collect their accumulated rewards via the Claim operations.

Last updated