Reserve Pool

Purpose of Reserve Pool

Crypto Galaxy has a wealth of revenue sources, most of which go to the staking Reward Pool and be distributed to users who have staked the protocol governance token $BOX.

Apart from this, some revenue will go to the Reserve Pool, which will be used for co-investment with other projects and for resources integration, as well as for providing a more flexible incentive and regulation space.

The Reserve Pool is supervised by the Crypto Galaxy core team in the early stage and will be governed and distributed by DAO in the future.

Revenue Sources

The Reserve Pool has the following revenue sources:

1. 20% of the income from Discover/Collision goes to the Reserve Pool

2. 30% of the VIP Member program's income goes to the Reserve Pool

3. 20% of the 8% transaction royalties in the NFT Marketplace go to the Reserve Pool

4. 80% of the $BOX consumed from building upgrades goes to the Reserve Pool

5. Among the 18% $BOX transaction tax, 5% will be exchanged into $XVS, and 20% of which goes to the Reserve Pool

6. The bidding amount paid in Galaxy Auction, after deducting the premium paid to the previous Galaxy Lord, 20% of the rest goes to Reserve Pool

7. In the Star Challenge gameplay, 10% of the $BOX challenge fee goes to Reserve Pool, 40% to the Staking Reward Pool, 30% to the Galaxy Lord, and 20% to be burned.

8. 30% of the staking exit fee goes to the Reserve Pool.

Last updated